A few things...
Mikey, in an email today, implied I am not trendy. You see Mikey claims to have found my new boyfriend, "
He’s brunette, a bit shorter than you. Not too skinny. Not overly trendy. Nice smile." While I appreciate that Mikey is on the look out for my next boyfriend, I must protest the
implication that I am not trendy!
After allonly the coolest cats shop at Gap.
This is a public service announcement to any contracting company that gives small packs of cookies to the people that hire your contractors. If you are going to thank us (by "us" I mean me) by giving a small gift of cookies, please be sure the cookies are actually edible. Cookies tasting like moist chalk will not impress the office manager (that would be the office manager that ensures you contractors get paid in a timely manner, bt
w). Mm
We all know by now that the Democrats did rather well in the last election and I want to give you, my many reader, my
opinion why the Democrats are now in power.
Now many of you may
believe the Democrats took the House and the Senate because of the the War in Iraq, Katrina, crazy out of control spending, corruption,
hypocrisy, War in Iraq (did I already mention Iraq?), but you would be wrong. The country (and the Democrats) should thank the true power behind the Democratic take over of both houses of Congress, Whitney Houston. That's right, it was Whitney that turned the tide of leadership in our government. For too long Whitney was the Diva
manifestationf the United States, once strong and proud with a voice that soared, but she fell in with the wrong crowd and started a
dysfunctional and dangerous relationship with
someone many knew to be a bad influence, Bobby Brown. Now Bobby is the coke-head
manifestation of George H.W. Bush and the Republican Congress. Bobby has surrounded himself with "yes men" and at every turn with nary a care to listen to what others were saying (Bobby never reads the papers, I guess). While on the outside there were many calling for him to change his ways, Bobby refused to grow up and act like an adult.
Every now and then Whitney would come out to try to change
her image that had been so damaged by years of selfish indulgences, but
inevitably she would fall back on the old, comfortable, bad habits, much as the United States would half-
heartily try and fail, too. This cycle of pain finally came to a stop when Whitney realized her mistake and dumped the
source of all her problems. It is when Whitney dumped Bobby, that the United States started to realize change can happen, we can get out of this mess. There is hope. After all, if Whitney can wake up and break the bonds of recklessness, so can the United States. With Whitney as metaphor the the United States, the citizens of the United States felt they too felt it was time to dump their
Bobby Brown Congress.
In short, we owe to Whitney Houston our thanks for showing us we can take our country back from the Bobby Brown's of the world. Without Whitney's strength, America might be a very different place.
Thank you Whitney Houston, thank you!