Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Thinking Outloud

This is a busy day for blogging here at Try Not To Panic central, not a busy day at work, hence the blogging (MS Word thinks I want to spell blowing, bogging, bluing(! WTF?), or bolting – hah!). Anyway, usually when I have a busy blogging day, it is a slow work day (the powers that be, whoever you are, please know I am composing all this during one of the breaks that I take.)(Please also note that if I didn’t take a break, I might just go postal.)(Yes, I know, I do not work at the Post Office, and, therefore, theoretically, cannot go "Postal")(Relax, it's just a saying.)(Geeze.) Oh, now I've lost my train of thought. Where was I?....Oh, yes, now I remember. I was going to explain why I am writing so much today. The explanation is quite easy, really. I have short-timers disease. Which is interesting since there is no reason to have short-timers disease – I didn't get another job or anything, I just feel like a short-timer. This is, of course, not the best places to be in when one does not have another job in which to blame the feeling of being a short-timer; leads to procrastination and eventually firing. Being fired is not something I aspire to be at this time, or anytime, really – who wants to be fired? Ick, is what I say to that. Moving on…sorry for all the tangents, I really do have something to say. Really. What I should have said in the beginning is that there is a reason for this phantom short-timers feeling I have, but I can't say for fear of some Karmic retribution raining down upon me. What I can say about this short-timerness feeling is: cart, horse, in front of…if you know what I mean. Okay, I've said too much. I have to go to a meeting now.


Blogger Chox said...

Heh. Bluing.

7:49 PM  

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