Friday, June 02, 2006

But Will The Salesperson's Head Explode?

update Sadly no exploding heads, the transaction went smoothly, I was even lured into buying the extended warranty. They're crafty at Best Buy, very crafty. I am both surprised and dissapointed.

After much deliberation, I have decided what I will purchase with my 2 $100 gift cards (mentioned in a previous post). I will buy a nice digital camera. I had hoped to be able to buy the camera through Amazon, but found that Amazon will not take multiple gift cards, much less a standard gift card, so I am left with paying about $30 extra to buy my camera at Best Buy (not sure if they are being ironic by calling this store Best Buy, or not). Now this camera I want is more than a mere $200 (the amount of the gift cards for those not keeping up), so I will have to pay the balance in cash. Now I predict two things will happen during this transaction:

1. I will explain that I want to pay for the camera with my two gift cards which will cause the sales person's head to explode when he or she tries to figure out how to ring up one order that is being paid for with two forms of payment.

And then...

2. The poor soul ringing up my order will then spontaneously combust when I then say, "And I want to pay the remaining balance with CASH!" It is at this point his or her body will begin to shudder, his or her eyes will role back and she or he will then explode into some form of dust ala Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

I'm confident that aftar two Supervisors and one Manager is summoned to complete this mercantile miracle, that this one purchase will be completed in about 4 hours, which will thereby confirm my belief I am smarter than anyone that works at Best Buy. But this all conjecture, of course.


Blogger Dave said...

Actually, that's probably pretty close to what will happen.

My Dad got a $10 gift card for Peets coffee and he tried using it to buy $15 worth of coffee beans. He handed the cashier the card and a $20. The cashier used the $20 to pay for the coffee, and added the change back to the card. My Dad rarely goes to Peets for his coffee, so that's the last thing he wanted. Trying to clear that up took about twenty minutes with a manager.

I'd advise you to give the cards separately, and pull out the cash only after they're processed. Do anything else and you risk ending up with this month's rent on a gift card.

6:11 PM  

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