Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Post Modern, Quote, Chad

Last night as I was watching a show, can't remember the name, that was so tongue in cheek-self aware, I wanted to scream, "I am sick of all this Post Modern crap!!" I did not scream, though, I just blogged it instead.

Quote of the day.
Referring to Fremont California as:
"a parking lot with a mayor"
totally bogarted from Little Yellow Different.

Stopped by Chad's workplace the other night to see exactly what Venetian Plaster is. I have to say, the work Chad has been putting into this job is amazing. The plaster work is beautiful. The best way to describe it is that it looks like marble, but better. Chad has posted some photos of the shop he has been working on, but the photos do not do the work justice. You have to see it for yourself.
You should be very proud of the work you have done, Chad!


Blogger MattyMatt said...

Ha -- that's a perfect slogan for Fremont. Similarly, Los Angeles is a freeway with a mayor. And sometimes riots.

12:02 PM  

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