Sunday, June 24, 2007

Pride Blacked Out

I've lived in San Francisco for over 14 years and have grown both accustomed to and tired of all the pride hullabalou. I am the first to admit to being "over" Pink Saturday and the Pride Parade, but when I read a story like this where a school in New Jersey seized all year books to black out this photo,

I am reminded that I, and, by extenstion, we, cannot become complacent when in comes to being out and proud gays. When there is still such fear and loathing in America, we as proud gays need to come out to family, friends, the world to show we matter and are here to stay. We owe so much to those that came before us and we owe it to proud young men like Andre Jackson to keep ourselves visible, to show the world who we are in all our differnces and all our similiraties. Because we are here and we are not going anywhere, as much as the right wring wants to push out of existance and pretend we don't exist, we must continue to fight for visiblity and equal rights under the law. It is only by becoming more and more visible will America and the world see that we are not the terror that so many what to make us.

Come out, be proud and change the world.

via: Slog



Blogger danny/ink2metal said...

so true. i grew up just outside s.f and still live in the bay area, so i have always made some attempt at supporting pride. that is up until a few years ago. my hubby and i have been live out and proud and hope that we are making a difference in that way. we have many straight and gay friends and we don't treat anyone any differently because of their sexual orientation. we don't change to be more accepted by them. they love us just the way we are, even if we are sometimes "lewd, crude and rude". LOL

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was begining to feel the same way about pride. And after pride in 2006 thought about not going in 2007. But I must say that for some reason pride in 2007 was the most magical pride ever. I felt like it was my first pride ever. Everything felt new and different this year. I really felt proud to be gay. The people I have spent the last 9 prides with all said they felt the same way this year. Something was different. I am hoping that continues into next year.

8:33 AM  

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